HIJAMA: A Prophecy Therapy

Athletes and celebrities alike helped bring cupping therapy into the public eye years ago after photos of them with circular discolorations on various places of their bodies went viral online and immediately became the talk of the town. Other than cupping therapy, there is no other explanation for how they acquired those reddish-tinged circles on their back, legs, breast, etc (their pictures on social media with glass cups on their backs are sure signs).

Even while the procedure has recently gained popularity, cupping therapy has roots that go all the way back to 3,300 B.C. Prophet Muhammad utilised it to alleviate his physical aches and fatigue and to reenergize his health. It is also referred to as a hijama in the Middle East. Because of the benefits this treatment can have on the body, he even suggested it to his country.

In our investigation, when ADAM is present, hijama is also present. or blatantly state that Adam invented this treatment.

Restoration of the Sunnah

"Say: It is a guidance and a healer for those who believe." (Fussilat 41:44)

Both the illness and its treatment were created by Allah, who is also in charge of running the affairs of everyone and everything. Therefore, when seeking treatments for one's afflictions, hearts that are connected to Allah The Exalted do not need to turn elsewhere. Furthermore, as Muslims, our confidence in Allah is continually growing. As a result, if our souls and hearts are strengthened in their belief, it will be much simpler to combat and overcome ailments.

Unquestionably, growing closer to the Lord, loving Him, remembering Him, and relying on Him when you need aid are the best ways to treat any illness that affects a person. And other than following the advice of His Messenger, , what other manner is there to be closer to Allah?

At-Tibb an-Nabawi, also referred to as the Prophetic Medicine, is a comprehensive medical code that was given to the Prophet Muhammad through Wahee (revelation). It actually offers healing for both the patient and the doctor, as well as for both the ill and the healthy.

Every ailment may be cured, with the exception of one, as Osama bin Shourayk is reported to have said:
“I was with the Prophet when the Bedouins came to him and said, “O Messenger of Allah, should we seek medicine?” He replied, “Yes, O slaves of Allah, seek medicine, for Allah has not created a disease except that He has in addition created its cure, except for one illness.” Thy said, “And what is that?” He said “It is old age.” – Sahih in Ahmad.

Numerous people have physical health diagnoses, and it frequently happens that these diagnoses are followed by heart diseases like depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc. However, for a believing Muslim, it presents a chance to atone for any faults that may be holding them back. It is also a summons from Allah to His slave! The Muslim will make an effort to adhere to the correct Shifa'a (cure) principles, which will unquestionably improve his relationship with his Lord.

The first rule of healing is to have Yaqeen (certainty) that Allah sent the ailment and that He is also the source of the treatment. This means that one must completely understand that if the healing is delayed, it is because of Allah's Will and that there is, in fact, Hikmah (wisdom) behind it. Committing to good deeds like as keeping to the prescribed prayers, providing Sadaqah (charity), remembering Allah, reciting the Qur'an, fasting, refraining from sin, and making Istighfaar (repentance) are other ways to achieve Shifa'a.

Implementing the Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah for healing through Prophetic Medicine comes next. Any disease or ailment finds it challenging to resist the power of Prophetic Medicine when these concepts are united!

The Powerful Night of Shab-e-Meraj (Angels Recommended Hijama - Cupping)

The Messenger (SAWS) reportedly stated, "I did not pass by one angel from the angels on the night voyage except that they all exclaimed to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad." Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated this. [Hadith by Sunan-ibn-Maajah No. 3477].

According to a narration from Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him), the angels commanded Muhammad to command his Ummah (country) to Perform hijama. [At-Tirmidhi].

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